Dear readers!
Hi, today I am going to speak about the winner of the Nobel Prize of the Peace in 2008. This man is called Martti Ahtisaari. I have chosen to speak about this Nobel Prize because in my opinion the most important thing is the peace in the world, secondly I have chosen this person because I think he works alot to get the peace.
He's complete name is Martti Oiva Kalevi Ahtisaari, he was born the 23 June 1937, in Viipuri that now is known as Vyborg this is located in Finland but now that part is called as Russia. He is known because of his work as the presiden of Finland more than because of he's awarded as the Nobel Price.
He was awarded with the Nobel Price, for his great efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts. Ahtisaari was a major contributor when Namibia achieved independence in 1989-90, arbitrated in Kosovo in 1999 and 2005-07, and helped to bring the long-lasting conflict in the Aceh province in Indonesia to an end in 2005. In 1977, following many years in the foreign service, Ahtisaari was appointed UN Commissioner for Namibia. The assignment aroused his interest in the resolution of conficts and peace mediation. He was President of Finland from 1994 to 2000. After his presidential term, he again stepped up his work for peace, among other things by establishing Crisis Management Initiative (CMI), which played an active part in bringing about the Aceh peace accord in 2005.
As I say before Ahtisaari was born in Viipuri in 1937, in the Winter War in 1939-40, the town was attacked by the Soviet Union and its inhabitants were driven out. Those childhood experiences motivated him in his adult commitment to peace.