People that has answered this questionnaire are teenager of 15 and 16 years old, 3 of them are girls and 7 boys.
Another question was what they prefered, to travell, to listen music or to practice spor. The mayority of the people answered that they prefered to travel.
Most of the students answered that they usually listen to pop music and the less listen music of the students is opera. But to dance, like the more loved music, they chose more than one , reggae, reggaeton and pop. Six out of ten attend singing or instrument lessons. Some of those instruments are: trumpet buss, battery and violin.
Plenty of the people that answered practice one or more than one sports. The more practiced sport is football in this questionnaire. Apart of those people practice for example, basketball, swimming, gymnastics... Also the more loved sport to watch in the TV is football, with the replays of this questioner. Most of the people practice sport four days per week and one of them only one day per week. The mayority of the people think that their note in them sport would be seven and the minority of the people thinks that teir note would be six. Fifth of eight think that in them sports is easy to get injured and the other three think that isn´t easy to injured. The more loved sport to watch in the TV is football, with the replays of this questioner.
Sixty per cent of the people, would like to visit America, instead of the other continents. In this replays none had chosen Africa. In the continent they chose previously they would like to go to places like, Las Vegas, Chicago, Tokyo, Sidney, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Australia, New York... The majority of the students like to travell by plain and the next more liked vehicle to travell is the car. Some of the last places that this people had visited are places like, Italy, Salou, Africa... 55,6% of the answers are that they like to go on cruise.
- If you wantto see all the results click: Music, sport and travell
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